
She twirled a cigarette between her fingers and thought to herself how horrible it would be if people found out her truth, that she and the lean fragrant substance in her hand had so much in common.

You see she would lure you in with promises of comfort and pleasure and she would deliver what she promises, never the one to not keep her word. You would fall into the trap of her enchanting words even though she whispers words of warning to you time and time again. She will tell you to walk away from her, that she’s bad for you. But you will fall for the cliched situation thinking you can handle it. You won’t get addicted; you promise yourself. It’s all fun and games isn’t it? But before you know it you’ve fallen for the oldest trick in the book and it turns out you aren’t that special; you’re addicted. Hooked to every word, starting with the honeymoon period of intoxicated addiction you spiral into a zone of hate and need. You don’t want to reach out to her but you’t can stay away. She’s drained you out of health and wealth but you can’t let go of her. And just like a cigarette she gets used for entertainment and endurance but as soon as the fire is gone, she becomes of no purpose; a pile of burnt ashes that get stomped on by the world.